Funny Business ROI on Giveaways

Intelligent Vendors Are Doing This And Getting A Big ROI on Giveaways


Twisting Your Sales Message into a Giveaway

Pens, Yo-Yo’s or even stress balls do not get this much attention. In minutes, they hear a well-crafted and entertaining pitch including the top 4-bullet points prospects need to know about your product or service.

No Schlepping Boxes Around

Dale is 100% self-contained. The only additional work you’ll have is dealing with the onslaught of smiling and informed prospects.

Create a Buzz in Your Booth

Do what hundreds of other Intelligent Exhibitors have done – call John Yoder at today and prepare for a completely new reality of ROI. 888.593.7387

Putting unCONVENTIONal Twists on Lead Generation