Case Study: Zeller Realty Group – Customer Appreciation / Reception
Scenario: Zeller Realty Groups (ZRG) is a commercial real estate property management leader in Chicago. Each year the ZRG treats the building tenants to an appreciation day. ZRG caters to food and creates a festive luncheon for over 300 clients in appreciation of their business.
Goal: Create a festive business environment and hire appropriate entertainment for business executives.
Conclusion: Zeller Realty team elected to go with Dale Obrochta to provide interactive entertainment. Dale’s comedic wit, communication skills, and artistic creations were what drew ZRG to choose Dale. Laughter was heard, and tenants were interacting as they watched art manifest before their eyes. ZRG had concerns that the tenant would be uninterested in the entertainment, but that quickly vanished when tenants regularly approached ZRG group team members asking for Dale’s contact information.